Math Attack Instructions

Create the Game Board: Print the SLAMBANGO! Math Attack game board on card stock. Laminate the board and provide the players with different colored dry-erase markers. Slide two paper clips onto the bottom of the board where you see the number line. You are ready to play!

Option: Instead of printing on card stock and laminating the board, you can print multiple copies on paper and use one copy for each game.

How to Play: The first player moves the paper clips over two numbers on the bottom number line. He or she then multiplies those two numbers and puts an X over the product on the Math Attack game board with his or her marker. The second player can move only one paper clip to create a new problem. Paper clips can be moved up to and on the other paper clip but not past it. The second player multiplies those two numbers and puts an X over the product on the Math Attack game board with his or her marker. Players continue taking alternating turns.

The Winner: The first player with three, four or five (you decide) answers in a row is the winner. Answers can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.
